Check ping connectivity to multiple host

Step 1: Create a file with name "ipFile" and insert all the IP's line by line
Step 2: Create a file with below code
import os
import sys

with open('output','w+') as o:
 o.write("Check hostname is accessible or not from file ipFile\n")

with open('ipFile',mode='r') as f:
 for line in f:

  #and then check the response...
  with open('output','a+') as out:
   response = os.system("ping -w 2 -c 2 " + hostname)
   if response == 0:
    out.write(hostname.split()[0] + " is accessible\n")
    out.write(hostname.split()[0] + " is not accessible\n")

Step 3: Run above file using command : python

Step 4 : A new file with name "output" will be created with the details
